Press Release About Misuse Of The "Mahdi" Discourse

Press release about misuse of the "Mahdi" Discourse

The Valuable Members of our Visual, auditory, and written press,

Based on the news and comments in our press that led to misunderstandings, Some discourses and actions that have been turned into a smear campaign against ASSAM "The Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center"  and SADAT "International Defense Consultancy" that I was the FOUNDER, it creates again an intense agenda in our press.

ASSAM "The Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center" is a Civil Society Organization that was founded to offer a ISLAMIC UNION MODEL for directors, to gather Islamic countries under one will by establishment the required institutions and studying the necessary legislation for these institutions.

Until 2017, our Research Center, which constitutes its intellectual infrastructure, planned seven "INTERNATIONAL ASSAM ISLAMIC UNION CONGRESSES" to execute one each year, the first in 2017.

The results report and declarations published at the end of the congresses, congresses that held in 2017, 2018 and 2019 can be found on THE ASSAM WEB site through the congresses  "" links.

The DISCOURSE of opening and closing speeches and conversations That I used during the third ASSAM International Conference on Islamic Unity on December 19-20 - 2019 which is planned for defining the principles and capabilities of producing defense industries common to Islamic countries titled "ASRICA (ASIA-AFRICA) COMMON DEFENSE INDUSTRY PRODUCTION" HAVE BEEN MISUSED.

My discourse was to criticize Muslim countries that are not working for the alliance to convey my note in the content that I present below:

"When we talk to the Islamic Scholars around the world, we get the following answers to our questions.

  • I am asking "Will there be an Islamic Union?”
  • The recipient to me answers, "It will happen.”
  • I am asking "How will it be?”
  • The recipient to me answers, "When will the Mahdi come?”
  • I am asking "When the Mahdi will come?”
  • The recipient to me answers, "God knows when he will come”
  • In response to these answers, "is there no duty we have to do?

Our dialog when I said, "Will Allah send the Mehdi before we prepare the environment?" this was a criticism of the world’s indifference to Islam by the alliance, and what we said was withdrawn to misconceptions with or without intent. The reason I am telling this dialogue at every opportunity is to point out that the Islamic World should wake up from heedlessness and do not seek refuge in the excuse of waiting for the Mahdi and strive for the Islamic Union.

About 200 representatives from 45 countries from five continents participated in the conference, and 48 work papers were presented for the purpose of the conference. The aim of the Congress, which excites academics and viewers, has been achieved. The public opinion will be informed of the conclusion statement of this congress after the Science and Administration Council has finished working on the papers.

ASSAM aims to present A MODEL that can be applied to Islamic unity today with its managements and institutions considering Contemporary State concept and Islamic jurisprudence.

In a summary of the DECLARATION that we published after our first conference on the topic "Forms of Governance from the Past to the Future" for Islamic Unity;

We proposed establishment the Ministry of Islamic Union in each Islamic country and A PARLIAMENT of ISLAMIC COUNTRIES, where Islamic countries are represented, while we placed a MODEL draft constitution of 63 pages with 181 articles on our WEB site.

We, as ASSAM, have made it clear that an ISLAMIC UNION can be formed by gathering the ASRIKA axis of 61countries (27 in Asia - 28 in Africa - 4 in Europe - and two in South America) under a one will, without changing their national border structure with a confederation structure made up of nine regional regions.

In the DECLARATION that we published after our Second Congress on Islamic Economics and Economic Systems, we suggested in short;

  • Establishing the customs union among Islamic countries,
  • Establishing a common market among Islamic countries,
  • Accepting the monetary union among Islamic countries,
  • Establishing commercial areas among the Union members,
  • Giving the Zakat Foundation an institutional identity under state control as a common fund,
  • Establishing Union-related Chamber of Commerce, Commercial Courts and Foundations,
  • Creating Islamic electronic dinar currency unit (ASRIKA Dinar),
  • Creating common market, production, and R&D incentive fund,
  • Carrying out resource planning work with a common investment fund,
  • Establishing a common organization for R&D and Innovation activities,
  • Establishing cooperative systems for cooperative companies between Islamic countries regarding sectors: mines, energy, agriculture, transportation networks, telecommunications, and food sectors, supporting financial institutions and providing them with information under the banner of Islamic banking.
  • Taking measures to increase the foreign trade volume among the member countries,
  • Establishing Trade Centers, preferential trade agreements between Islamic countries,
  • Developing cultural affinity among Islamic countries in language, religion, history composition, creating a strong political will,

ASSAM has a vision that makes it important to consult and demonstrate the will of the people, demands the establishment of democratic systems for Islamic unity and works to develop a model according to these principles.

Those who do not participate with our findings can create new paradigms by presenting their alternatives.

We are saying that "ASRIKA Union of Islamic States is a Confederal Republic." and another might say "It is a Federal Presidency.” New models may appear with similar alternative suggestions.

The ASSAM members and I personally, the head of this center, do not have neither belief in superstition nor crazy ideas and have nothing of religious faith. Those who think so and some people who are ignorant of ASSAM's comprehensive work are unfair to us and our activities.

We, as ASSAM, our works are fully carried out as a Civil Society Initiative.

No advice or influence on our work of any directives of our President of the Republic on the planning, execution and outcome of our Congress has been given.

I submit the situation to our people with respect, 31 DECEMBER 2019



"İSTİSMAR EDİLEN MEHDİ HABERLERİ İÇİN HUKUKİ SÜREÇ BAŞALADI" Metni'ne Ulaşmak için alttaki linke tıklayınız.



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