What could the US Have Purposed with the Greater Middle East project? (June 25, 2004)
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What could the US Have Purposed with the Greater Middle East project?:
The geography of the countries covered by the project, which is called the Greater Middle East or the Expanded Middle East and North Africa Group;
- Dividing the continent of Europe-Asia-Africa, which is named as the world island, in the middle in the form of a girdle;
- Providing control of the north and south of the World Island with air and sea forces by dominating the most important sea passages and straits in its possession;
- Muslim Nations that have the opportunity to have a real opinion in the struggle for world domination if united, have granted the opportunity to control these ambitions with puppet forces, which they can take out of themselves, in a way they cannot even imagine,
- Possessing the opportunity to drive ever the World Economy through energy resources and crossroads of sea transport that it possesses,
- Containing the structure of the Holy Places of the Divine three great religions,
- At the same time, containing indispensable market feature for powerful economies,
- Containing the homelands of the Islamic nations that NATO set on its goal,
It is geography that offers many advantages to the power that it possesses.