
The Pentagon is on the line against SADAT

When the false news about SADAT International Defense Consulting Inc. Failed to reach its goal in the internal media, the Pentagon officials did not see any harm in making defamation by directly stepping in.[i]

It is written and drawn that there will be a massacre in Türkiye and that members of FETO will be killed by those who are not satisfied with the lie. The lie that the SADAT militia would commit this massacre is also served by it by sticking it between the lines. Even though we repeatedly stated that SADAT has no operational power, we do not offer private security services, we are not private military, and that we are a consultancy company… who is running the smear campaign? Robin, who was previously announced as the man who knew about the 15th of June coup... How could anyone know about a coup months ago? If they had not gotten their hands on their faces, he would have proudly admitted that being on the team that planned the coup.

The coup that was arranged on July 15 but was thwarted by huge masses of heroic people who love their country, its first response is the organization of  FETO, that protected by the USA, it creates arguments to change the target with the claim that "there is insufficient evidence against it".

In the news on the website of the Ulusal Channel, signed by Masum Gök on August 16, 2016, it is seen that there is an attempt to create perception management about our company and our former chairman of the board, Adnan Tanrıverdi, by including many issues that are opposed to the facts.

SADAT International Defense Consulting Company has never had a training camp, or even had the opportunity to train in any subject so far.

All the unfounded news that Aydınlık has made about this has been brought to the judiciary in 2012 and was convicted of false news. Court decisions are published on our website ( ).

We have difficulty in understanding the purpose of broadcasting such news. Although such unrealistic news and was proven by a court decision, nevertheless these unrealistic claims are presented to the public opinion like a rice dish, and hostile statements are taken from some retired soldiers. The decisions of the court and all our statements and explanations published on our website are ignored, the procedure for creating mis perceptions is still in force. We reserve the right to file a judicial and legal request in this regard.

Retired Brigadier General Adnan Tanrıverdi, who said that the head of organization building schools in 160 countries around the world in the United States fighting for world domination is a sign that Fethullah Gülen is being used by America, pointed out those behind the coup attempt.

Tanrıverdi said there is no doubt that the United States is using them; "A religious community has established schools in 160 countries around the world. The head of the organization that collects, educates, and organizes the superior children of those countries is in the United States, which is struggling for world domination, it is impossible not to use this organization by the United States. Therefore, Fethullah Gülen was used by America and a coup attempt was made through this organization. Türkiye has never seen such a treacherous gang; it should be underlined.”

“We saw it as a group serving the religion”

Tanrıverdi indicated that he had nothing to do with the Parallel Structure during his service in the TAF, he continued as follows: “However, a year before my retirement, Prof. Dr. Sheriff Ali Tekalan visited me at the brigade, which is the head of the second ring in this group. And then I got acquainted with this congregation. We saw it as a community that serves the religion like everyone else and operates to enable highly educated young people to live their religious values and Islamic values; as our attitude towards other congregations and religious groups. I retired in 1996, and after retiring, this contact continued until 1999.”

“February 28 was a process targeting all Islamic segments,” said Tanrıverdi, "We have become with them as well, as we have done with every group that asks and calls without making any difference between them. But since we saw that they had different attitudes and behaviors during this time, we cut contact off since 1999. I would say, I did not deal with this group while serving in the armed forces.”

“The mentality that counts the headscarf as one of the simple details…”

Retired Brigadier General Tanrıverdi, who stated that he served as the chairman of the Association of Defenders of Justice (ASDER) for 5 years, said, "Members of this association were personnel who were dismissed from the Armed Forces by the decision of YAŞ during the 28 February period due to their beliefs. When we consulted during the process, we consulted on the closed organization of the community, which considers the veiling and the headscarf to be a detail, that the paths have diverged since the 28 February process. Especially when political power and group leaders and their individuals have come to a crossroads since the end of 2013, we have spoken that we have an institutional setting that is perhaps the first to share the seriousness of this work with our nation.”

Retired Brigadier General Tanrıverdi; “It is not possible for an organization that has a brain in America and is organized around the world not to be used by America. It is not possible that it does not to be aware of it. Therefore, it is in treachery. Let those who belong to it see this and we have articles in the style of "let's act in accordance with the political will of our nation, let's support it". But we realized that there were 8-10 people from ASDER as well. In that period, because of defining our tendency toward support for political power and political will, they left ASDER with a firm stance. That's when we realized how obsessed they were with the leaders of the community and how completely blind they were to the truth.”

"If the presidential system comes, the likelihood of organizations and the formation of cadres will decrease.”

The retired Brigadier General Tanrıverdi, who evaluated the new construction of the TAF, said “the commanders of the force are connected to the Ministry of National Defense (MSB) and they are recruited, trained, trained; by establishing the National Defense University, connecting the military schools directly to the MSB, selecting the personnel to be taken to the military schools by the MSB, conducting evaluation procedures, perhaps increasing the impact of personal programs, current or the party, but if there is stability, organizing a party representing the majority of the nation would have less damage than ideological reverse organizations. Especially if there is a presidential system, then there is less chance of organization and staffing. The people will choose the president. Most of the nation will get the vote. Promotion in the TAF will not take place unless approved by the President. Since the Ministry of National Defense is under the control of the Council of Ministers, if it is to be permanent, it will be a staffing that has the values of most of the nation. In this regard, coups are prevented.  More precisely, I believe that it prevents the staffing that is against the political will and the national will.”

Noting that the coup period in Türkiye is over, Tanrıverdi said, “The national will has buried the actual coups in Turkish political history with this latest coup attempt. When I look at this attitude of our nation, its determination to protect its right, law, freedom, President, and values, when I look at it as a soldier, we have seen our men and women who are braver and more aggressive than the people who defend their homeland under war. That made our eyes cry. We can say that he put this into the minds of the spider-headed people who are plotting a coup over Türkiye.”

"The only task of the TAF should be to detect and eliminate external threats.”

“The main duty and sole duty of the TAF should be to detect external threats and to eliminate these threats beyond borders.” Tanrıverdi said, “The spiritual structure of our armed forces is extremely important. Armies are evaluated by their morale values, which increase the ability of these numerical possibilities beyond the numerical possibilities of their forces. When the two adversaries are compared between forces, after the numeric are displayed, these forces are multiplied by moral values. I think that if the TAF is engraved with the spiritual values of the nation, it will play a locomotive role in the progress of our nation. I believe that our armed forces, dominated by the February 28 mentality, should follow an intense program in a way that will embrace our national moral values.”  (Mehmet Tahir Özsoy-İLKHA)



Relying on the slanderous articles of a person whose identity and whereabouts are unknown (Fuat Avni) and a former intelligence officer living in the USA (Mehmet Eymür) and some media reports that support these articles, Fikri Sağlar, who became suspicious by choosing some of the more than twenty educational topics on the website of SADAT Defense, submitted a parliamentary question to the Presidency of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, including six issues, about SADAT and its Founder, Retired General Adnan Tanrıverdi, demanded to be answered by the Prime Minister.

Before answering the questions of Mr. Sağlar, it would be appropriate to give brief information about the people who brought SADAT Defense to the agenda.

Mehmet Eymür is a person who rose to the head of departments in our National Intelligence Organization (MIT) and served in this institution for 27 years. He was fired from MIT when he never returned to the country despite being recalled from Washington, where he was sent as his last assignment. He currently resides in the USA.

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