
Our company officials visited Undersecretary of Defense Industry Mr. Murad Bayar, headed by our Chairman of the Board Directors (Retired) Brigadier General, Adnan Tanrıverdi. Our officials informed the Undersecretary of Defense Industries Mr. Murad Bayar and UDI, the Head of International Cooperation Department, Mr. Lütfi Varoğlu about the business contacts held at the Abu Dhabi - IDEX 2013 International Defense Fair and received their opinions, recommendations and support. .

SADAT Ynt.Krl.Bşk. Em. Tuğg. Adnan Tanriverdi, Ynt.Krl.U. Reşat Fidan ve Eğt.Koor. M. Emin Koçak, Savunma Sanayi Müsteşarı Murad Bayar ve U.İ.D.Bşk. Lütfi Varoğlu ile görüştüler

SADAT International Defense A.S. is in IDEX 2013 International Defence Exhibition - the biggest defense exhibition of the region in Abu Dhabi - the capital of United Arab Emirates. As the only defense service provider, SADAT A.S. has taken place there besides other 58 Turkish Manufacturer of Defense Industry at the Exhibition. More than 1000 international firms took place in the Exhibition.

Our services in defense field attracted great attention. Senior Military Officials requested more information about our services besides many other firms' approachs for strategic cooperation possibilities.


Stand of SADAT

logo idex2013SADAT A.S. is participating to International Defence Exhibition and Conference between 17-21 February 2013 at Turkish Hall Stand 10-B25 in Abu Dhabi - UAE

We would like see you in our stand. Please click here and register to visit us in Expo.

All guests need to register as visitors to attend IDEX. The quickest way for them to do this is to complete the IDEX visitor registration process online at – Register button (the registration site is
Once approved these visitors will be able to access IDEX and NAVDEX freely from 10am-5pm between Monday 18th and Thursday 21th February 2013.

Opening Times - Registered visitors will be free to attend IDEX from 10am-5pm between Monday 18th and Thursday 21th February 2013, as the access to IDEX on Sunday 17th February 2013, is restricted to VIP and delegations only (no visitor access).

Location and travel information - Visitors can find directions to the venue at

SADAT A.S. in IDEX 2013's web site

You are invited;

IDEX-2013 invitation


I wish my condolences to martyr Ahmet El Cabbari, second Commander of the İzzettin Kassam Brigades, and to the Gaza martyrs, and the Palestinian people, Gaza Veterans, and the Islamic World.

The fact that the attacks did not go unanswered, that Telaviv was hit by ground-to-ground missiles with a range of 75 kilometers and an Israeli Warship was wounded by the Palestinians, the active reactions of Egypt, Türkiye, Sudan, and Tunisia, as well as many Arab and Islamic Countries, showed effective responses, all these events pleased us.

Fortunately, Palestine and Gaza are not as helpless as they were in the 2008 attack. The countermeasures were developed. The words of Halit Meşal, who made a statement from Sudan, and Ismail Haniye, who made a statement from Gaza, were self-confident, brave, and determined words that did not oppress themselves and the Palestinian people. They have proven once again that they are Mujahideen with leadership capabilities. May Allah reward them and preserve them for the sake of the Palestinian people and the Islamic world.

After the attack, the US and the western stance has once again led us to remember the fact that the United Nations is not a foundation that protects the right of the oppressed, and that the second World War is an institution that will allow the victors to rule the world for their interests.

Something the Muslim Nations have learned. Our problems can be solved not by crying, but by owning them. Therefore, these unjust attacks and atrocities are causing us to be known and conscious.

SADAT Defense participated in the IDEAS International Defense Exhibition and Seminar with a small booth that was held in Karachi, Pakistan, between 7-11 November 2012. The exhibition hosted many participants and visitors from all over the world.

ideas2012 seminar


During the fair, a series of events, including a seminar, four conferences, were also held. The Governor of Sindh Province, Dr. Ishrat Ul Ebad Khan, presented a meal in honor of the participants.

There were more than 165 platforms, during the first three days only military delegations were admitted to the exhibition. The fair, which has been opened to the civilian community for the past two days, has been very interesting.

Aydınlık Gazetesine Mahkeme Kararı

Şirketimiz hakkında yalan ve iftira dolu haberler yayınlayarak karalama kampanyası yürüten Aydınlık Gazetesi hakkında tekzip yazımızı yayınlamasını amir mahkeme kararı aşağıdadır.


aydinlik-tekzip-20121008s1 aydinlik-tekzip-20121008s2


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