The solution in Islamic Union (November 17, 2012)


I wish my condolences to martyr Ahmet El Cabbari, second Commander of the İzzettin Kassam Brigades, and to the Gaza martyrs, and the Palestinian people, Gaza Veterans, and the Islamic World.

The fact that the attacks did not go unanswered, that Telaviv was hit by ground-to-ground missiles with a range of 75 kilometers and an Israeli Warship was wounded by the Palestinians, the active reactions of Egypt, Türkiye, Sudan, and Tunisia, as well as many Arab and Islamic Countries, showed effective responses, all these events pleased us.

Fortunately, Palestine and Gaza are not as helpless as they were in the 2008 attack. The countermeasures were developed. The words of Halit Meşal, who made a statement from Sudan, and Ismail Haniye, who made a statement from Gaza, were self-confident, brave, and determined words that did not oppress themselves and the Palestinian people. They have proven once again that they are Mujahideen with leadership capabilities. May Allah reward them and preserve them for the sake of the Palestinian people and the Islamic world.

After the attack, the US and the western stance has once again led us to remember the fact that the United Nations is not a foundation that protects the right of the oppressed, and that the second World War is an institution that will allow the victors to rule the world for their interests.

Something the Muslim Nations have learned. Our problems can be solved not by crying, but by owning them. Therefore, these unjust attacks and atrocities are causing us to be known and conscious.

I would like to resubmit some of my previous reviews of the occupation state's attack on oppressed Gaza, what should be done for the Islamic world, to the heart of my readers.

In my articles that I wrote after Israel attacked Gaza in December 2008, I stated that the problem can be solved with the Islamic Union, and I stated how this will happen in the section below.

“The Islamic countries must recognize their power and avoid the mess they are in.

Its population of one and a half billion; its underground, surface, and energy sources; its geopolitical position and size, which can control land, sea, and air, and the only thing missing in the Islamic world to become world leader is that it has not been able to establish mechanisms to demonstrate common will.

ISLAM as a unifier is a sufficient factor.

As a force also, if it is act together, the geography is sufficient.


The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) should be made more active.

Among the affiliates, the “Conference of Defense Ministers of Muslim States”, the “Standing Committee of Defense Co-operation” and “Standing Committee of Defense Industry Co-operation” should be included among the Committees.

Islamic countries should be brought together in consideration of geopolitical positions and racial ties;

  • Union of Muslim Middle Eastern Arab States; (Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Palestine, Iraq, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Jordan, Yemen),
  • Union of Muslim Central Asian Turkic States; (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Türkiye, Turkmenistan),
  • Union of Muslim Near East States; (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Pakistan),  
  • Union of Muslim Far East States; (Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia),
  • Union of Muslim North African States; (Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia),
  • Union of African States of the Muslim Ocean Basin; (Western Sahara, Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Cameroon, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Suriname),
  • Union of African States of the Muslim Red Sea Basin; (Djibouti, Eritrea, Comoros, Mozambique, Somalia, Sudan),
  • Union of Muslim European States; (Bosnia, Macedonia, Kosovo)

First, non-aggression agreements and then-Defense Cooperation Agreements should be created between neighbors.

The Union of Islam must be targeted, and the work must be directed to achieve this goal by combining a federative structure with a Regional Union and a Con federative Structure.

It is important to note that adequate economic and technological power is an exceptionally important factor that leads us to unity; and that being able to act together and direct existing opportunities to the same goal is also a very important factor to speed up the creation of economic, technological, military, and political power.

Each of the Islamic countries is dependent on non-Muslim countries in terms of defense weapons. They cannot produce most of their own war weapons and vehicles. This situation causes defensive weakness.

If they get together, they can easily overcome this problem.

If initial co-operation is done in the field of the Defense Industry, the Islamic countries will be able to act more independently and could effectively prevent the attacks to be made.

Technology, financial resources, and adequate market are needed to establish the defense industry.

If the Muslim States can combine their opportunities, they can create the conditions necessary. Resources can be directed to states with sufficient technology. The production of weapons and vehicles of war can be combined in different countries and defense needs can be met. No country creates a war industry to meet its own needs, with its own resources and technologies. Türkiye has the technology to build each of its main combat vehicles. But for the first production, it needs financial resources and a large market for the continued production.

If the capabilities are combined; it will be able to produce, a hundred thousand tanks instead of four-five thousand tanks, ten thousand planes instead of five hundred or six hundred planes, fifteen thousand warships instead of five hundred warships, ten thousand helicopters instead of four hundred helicopters.

If the Union of the Muslim States produces their own weapons and defense co-operation is established among them, their resources will not flow to the countries that threaten them, and attacks will be prevented.

This level can be reached within ten years at the latest.

If our prospects are this way, then we can prevent the attacks that are taking place in Muslim nations today.

As for Palestine;

How can PALESTINE balance against Israel's military power? If each of the sixty Islamic Countries donated one of each of the modern main combat vehicles (tank, warplane, helicopter, submarine, etc.) to Palestine; Islamic Countries "NAVAL BASES" with coasts to the Mediterranean, Red Sea, and Oceans; Islamic Countries Neighboring Israel “LAND BASES”; If Islamic Countries within the range of warplanes also give Israel “AIR BASES”; If all Islamic Countries make a Non-Aggression and Defense Cooperation Agreement with the elected legitimate government of Palestine; train Palestinian soldiers at home bases, on donated weapons and other military matters; Within five years at the latest, Palestine will have a modern army consisting of land, navy and air forces at its military bases in friendly countries.

An "Immediate Intervention Power" must be established from Islamic countries at the Corps-level under a joint command that can be carried from the land, sea, and air, consisting of armored brigades, airdrops, and commandos, for use in conflict areas.

Only then can a FAIR, ACCEPTABLE and LASTING peace be spoken between Palestine and Israel.

The Palestinian people are doing their part. It is time for the other Muslim Nations. February 12, 2009”

We completed an article we wrote after our visit to Al-Quds Al-Sharif at the beginning of this year with the following lines.

What would be done urgently:

Every Muslim with financial means should visit Al-Quds Al-Sharif and Palestine and see everything in its place.

Therefore, tour organizers should get benefit from organizations. At the Israeli customs and checkpoints, there are no difficulties for those who come as tourists. There is no problem beyond the controls required by security. Our guarantor, saying that in Israel, "the Turkish Association" of eighty thousand members were welcomed with flowers by President and his delegation at Tel Aviv airport. Travel is risk-free, and there is no need to worry about security.

Muslim countries should fulfill the material needs of the Palestinians.

All needs of both the Gaza Region and the autonomous Palestinian Territory should be determined annually by the budget technique, in terms of current public expenditures and investment payments; The determined amount of need should be collected in a fund to be formed and met continuously and regularly by the Muslim countries. Thus, it must prevent Palestine from needing the imperialist countries that use Israel as a tool and stop them from selling their homes and leaving them to Palestine, and the psychological balance between the parties must be achieved by developing the economic and social conditions.

Palestine must be recognized as an independent country.

In this way, by maintaining relations with the outside world from the air, land, and sea, the climate should be primed for political support against the occupation.

Long Term Requires:

The organizations that we will list below are indispensable not only to Palestine but also to the Islamic world. Maybe we will look at it with imagination today. But the mission of the dream is a mature project, widespread recognition and debate after the project, and practice after the discourse. I hope our dreams and wishes will be implemented as soon as possible.

If there is a “Parliamentary Assembly” in which the Muslim nations, are treated equally, and this Assembly works on an ongoing basis,

If an "Executive Committee" to serve continuously could be determined and appointed by this Assembly,

If this Executive Committee were to resolve the problems of the Islamic countries within the framework of the decisions made by the Parliamentary Assembly,

The annual budgets of the Parliamentary Assembly and the Executive Committee are financed by its member states.

With the arrangement of the Executive Committee, if the Ministers of Muslim Countries in every field could meet periodically, discuss the common issues of Muslim Nations, and determine mutual policies in each ministry field, especially if common foreign policy principles could be determined and implemented,

If "Muslim Countries Court of Justice” could be established, which would operate under the rules of international laws and found political solutions for the problems both between the forming countries and between other countries and member countries,

If a "Defense and Defense Industry Cooperation” organization can be organized between member countries,

If a "Rapid Intervention Force” could be formed with the participation of the member countries, which the "Executive Committee" could direct and manage, and this military power could be used where necessary, for example, against Israel in the Palestinian territories,

"Human Rights Court” under the control of "Parliamentary Assembly" to prevent human rights violations of member countries,

If a "Criminal Court” could be established and made functional, which could judge the rulers for crimes they would commit against the ruled,

If a regular army could be formed for Palestine through the contributions of member states on Palestinian territory and on friendly member lands,

If it is possible to create "Economic Cooperation" and "Aid Funds" for member states,

An atmosphere of peace and tranquility in the world can be created first among Islamic countries and then in the whole world.

he main point that will minimize the problems in the Islamic countries together with Palestine is that it should be our shared concern to understand the formations that can make the Islamic Union a possibility as soon as possible. February 04, 2012” the Islamic World should now think about which institutions, how to build, for the ALLIANCE.

 November 17, 2012.

Adnan Tanrıverdi

Retired Brigadier General

Honorary President of ASDER.

Chairman of SADAT

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