
A New Period in Turkish-Israeli Relations

The Mavi Marmara ship, which has humanitarian aid to Gaza, has been 15 months since the armed raid on the International waters of the Eastern Mediterranean, on the Israeli Naval Force side (May 2010). In this RAID, 9 Turkish citizens died.

Türkiye demanded that Israel apologize and pay compensation to the relatives of the martyrs. Israel did not respond to these demands. Türkiye has taken the matter to the United Nations Security Council. According to reports that leaked from there, however, it was understood that a satisfactory decision would not be made to make Türkiye's demands come into effect.

Today (2 September 2011) we heard Türkiye's response from our Foreign Minister, Professor Mr. Ahmet Davutoğlu.



In TUNISIA, a young man named Mohamed Bouazizi attempted suicide by setting himself on fire to protest unemployment, poverty and corruption and his images spread throughout the country just to extend the scale of protests among the public, which finally turned into a civil commotion. After the refusal of General Rachid Ammar, the Army Commander to obey the order to shoot protesters, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the President of Tunisia, left his country and fled to Saudi Arabia after 23 years in power. Mohamed Ghannouchi, the Prime Minister of the government dissolved by Ben Ali, assumed the Presidency as required by the Tunisian Constitution; and he formed the “National Unity Government” including leaders of opposition parties in which the ministers of defense, home affairs and finance of the former government remained their positions. However, with the continuing protests, the government resigned. By the end of January, a provisional government was formed under the leadership of Mohamed Ghannouchi. The Prime Minister Ghannouchi announced that elections would be held within six months and the new government would take over.


The Israeli military attacks on the Gaza aid ship has a cost of Türkiye 9 martyrs and 22 injured.

Our aid volunteers (466 people), our martyrs (9 martyrs), and our 22 injured were brought to our country on 03 June at 02:30 morning and 5 heavy-injured stayed in Israel because transfers were not suitable. Volunteers, martyrs, and wounds from the other 32 countries have also reached their country.

I wish mercy from Allah to our martyrs, healing to our injured, and patience to the relatives of the martyrs. Greetings to all aid volunteers.

Israel is Enemy of Humanity

The humanitarian aid convoy heading to Gaza, which had 600 people and 6 ships from 50 countries, was attacked from land and air by the Israeli Armed Forces at 04:30 on 31 May 2010, while it was sailing in the international waters of the Mediterranean.

According to the information received, as of this hour (31 May at 15:00), there are 19 martyrs and 60 injured. I wish the mercy of Allah for the martyrs of humanitarian aid and urgent recovery to the wounded.

Attacking humanitarian aid ships with weapons means fighting the people of the countries sending the ship, and especially the Turkish people.

Attacking the civilian, unarmed, and charitable people with guns has once again revealed the real face of ISRAEL. It is an Enemy of Humanity.

This bloody assault will be the beginning of the end of Israel.

The initiative is a murder that could be carried out by fears of arms on their hands that do not fit in international law, human values, and do not have a state-owned consciousness.


Israel directed a harsh response against the announcement of the postponement of the International Section of the "Anatolian Eagle 2009/3" exercises, which was scheduled to take place from 10 to 23 October 2009, and the presence of scenes related to the massacre and inhuman acts carried out by the Israeli soldiers in Palestine, in the series "Separation" published by TRT 1.

Türkiye Should Be in the Mechanisms of Global Decision

USA President Barack Hussein Obama visited Türkiye. This visit was interpreted by different people with different perspectives. But I believe that the incident should be interpreted in terms of the visitor's purpose and the location of his country.

The United States is a global force. The President of the State also must think globally. His visit to Türkiye must also be evaluated at this level.

With its geography, Türkiye has a key position in the midst of the Balkans, Caucasus, and Middle East basins, as well as the Mediterranean, Black Sea, and Caspian Sea Basins.

This means that Türkiye has the ability and power to actively influence and direct countries in these basins in the Geo-strategic circle, with its Geography.



This question will be solved with the method used by Israel, that is, when Palestine puts a military power balancing the military power of Israel up against Israel.

Peaceful approaches will not bring Israel to justice.

Israel relies on its power and the Western support.

The weakness and the loneliness of Palestine make Israel even more aggressive.

Israel will continue to exert military power on the Palestinian People until they reach their goals.

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