



It is understood that the world agenda will be occupied by the Palestinian issue for a long time.

  • The election of a person of different origins as the President of the United States, which is trying to get out of the economic crisis in the new period, by leaving the pro-violence foreign policy of the United States, to convey messages that it wants to develop its policies that are based on softer relations with the Islamic World and Middle East Countries;
  • Israel's attempt at genocide in GAZA, which began on December 27, 2008, and continued slowly on January 18, 2009;
  • During the parliamentary elections and election propagandas in Israel on 10 February 2009, the promises made by leading political parties to destroy HAMAS, the builder of the resistance in GAZA, which constitutes the Palestinian legitimate government;

Davos Outflow Is the Beginning of a New Process

In Davos, from the mouth of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Türkiye has announced that it is the guardian of the oppressed and that it is prepared to protect the law of the Islamic World.
The attitude we miss was exhibited in Davos.
The reaction given was worthy of the world-leader countries.

The comments of the silly people, cannot show wrong this historic event.
Our external representatives should have more personality.
Our people must first, understand the strength and importance of Türkiye.
Israel received the reaction it had not seen in the world from Prime Minister Mr.Tayyip Erdoğan.
Considerable determination and weight have been put as much as activating the military force against Israel.
Israel will not be able to act recklessly anymore.
It will not be able to continue its carnages.
Türkiye's warnings will be taken into consideration more.
Türkiye's determination has been explained in a manner that it understands.


In our article dated January 15th, 2009 entitled “Israel should be Obligated to Defensive Warfare”, we tried to convey Israel’s objectives with regard to the attack effected upon Gazze.

In the said article as you may recall, we expressed the objectives Israel desires to reach at as a result of this attack, after this statement we continued as follows;

By January 20th, 2009 at the latest, thanks to the advantage gained with this attack together with the attacks that will follow, without out wearingmuch their troops, and within a very fast period of time, it is probable that Israel is aiming for Palestine and the whole world to unconditionally accept “ CEASE-FIRE”

The attack ceased on January 18th, 2009, and as of January 21st, 2009, they began to withdraw.

However, the conviction that the siege and blockade will continue more forcefully remains the same.

According to the declarations made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel, it is understood that the objectives behind this attack are similar to the aims we pointed out earlier.




Everything has a point of satisfaction. The point of satisfaction in wars, where victory turns into defeat, it is the last point at which attack, or defense can be sustained. Leaders and competent commanders plan a ceasefire and peace before they reach this point.

The Jewish population in Israel is about four million people. The male population of the military age can be up to 700 thousand. The number of the military staff in the army is about 500 thousand. If all his reserves are obliged to summon them to the task, no one is left at home and at work. It cannot continue this situation for a long time.

The war strategy it has implemented so far is to rapidly seize its targets by attacking with the armored units in its dominant form and in its intense air support, allowing UN and western countries to enter as they approach this stage, making a ceasefire without breaking the pace of their combat.

The Poor and Orphan Children of Islam

A new massacre every day.

They enter the country by killing.

After entering, they mix it so much that the blood does not stop.

Since 2003, 650 thousand civilians have been murdered in Iraq.

Thousands of civilians die every year in Afghanistan.

Palestine cries blood for 60 years.   Like an open prison ..

Israel has been bombing Gaza for five days since December 27, 2008, indefinitely, with all the force of modern warfare. As of December 31, when this article was written, there were 380 martyrs and at least 1,700 wounded.

In the Islamic world, reactions are avalanche, but there are no results.

The massacre pictures are painful.

These Countries are the "Poor and Orphan of Islam".

But the despair and the inability to help these “Poor and Orphan Children” hurts even more.

Double standards from the European Court of Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights found during the trial of Abdullah Ocalan in the State Security Court in 1999 that Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights regarding the right to a fair trial, Article 5 related to the length of detention, and Article 3 regarding ill-treatment were violated in March 2003, and it presented its final decision on the necessity of retrying the terrorist head or reopening the case file, claiming that it was not a fair trial, to the Committee of Ministers in the Council of Europe.

During the trial of the terrorist head, the member of the soldier, the member of the establishment of our State Security Courts, was removed from the establishment, and the sentence of death was not implemented, suspended, and the death penalty was removed.

Despite all this, a retrial or reopening of the case file is demanded on the grounds that the judge was not fair.


It is the most natural RIGHT and the most important DUTY of Nations, whose countries are occupied by foreign armed forces, in order to resist and fight the invader with their regular and non-regular forces by using all kinds of possibilities.

Today, the nations captured and occupied themselves are the Muslim Nations. These people, whose lives, wealth, honor, sanctities, and all their values are trampled, whose cities, towns, and villages have been destroyed, the whole world stands against them when they resist the occupier. They name this holy resistance as the Islamic terror.

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