Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu
Bursa Aydınlar Ocağı, SADAT Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Melih Tanrıverdi’yi konuk etti. Şadırvanlı Han Eğitim Akademisi’nde gerçekleşen söyleşide ‘Dünya Savunma Politikaları ve Türkiye’ konulu konuşma yapan Tanrıverdi, haklarında çıkan iddialara cevap verdi.
Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Leader of the Republican People's Party, came to the central office of our company with nearly 70 deputies and a total of 150 party supporters on the date of 13.05.2022 and forced the doors of our company. As a result of the so-called meeting request not being answered, he made unfair accusations targeting the prestige and reputation of our company, and this attack was published in all press and media organs, causing a negative perception about our company in the public opinion.
Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu continued his unjust accusations and attacks against our company by increasing the number of them in every press statement, group meetings and rallies he organized. As we have mentioned before, SADAT is a stock corporation which continues its activities in the field of defense consultancy and also it is NOT ANY ACTOR OF TURKISH POLITICS. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’s aim is to make our company an instrument of his political ambitions and to achieve political gain through our company. Our company will never be used as an instrument for the political ambitions of politicians. At this point, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu not only damaged the reputation of our company with his unlawful attacks against our company for about a month, but also launched an all-out offense against our company by targeting our company's managers, shareholders and employees in the eyes of his voters and public opinion.
None of the accusations made by Kılıçdaroğlu against our company have any truth. Kılıçdaroğlu acts on absolute sensations without relying on any evidence and he indirectly admits this in every interview he gives to journalists. Kılıçdaroğlu's attacks against our company mean nothing more than trying to consolidate the mass of voters through our company. Our company is audited according to the legal regulations and necessary notifications are given to the relevant institutions in our activities. AS SADAT DEFENSE, WE HAVE NOT BEEN INVOLVED IN ANY WORK THAT WE CANNOT ACCOUNT FOR BEFORE THE LEGAL AUTHORITIES SO FAR, AND WE WILL NOT BE INVOLVED IN FUTURE. LET THEM TRY TO DEFAME SADAT AS MUCH AS THEY WANT AND CRIMINALIZE IT IN THE EYES OF SOCIETY, SADAT WILL ALWAYS CONTINUE TO REMAIN A LEGAL COMPANY.But whoever targets our company hostilely, broadcasts with provocative language and tries to defame our company without evidence, without any document and absolute sensation, we will be in a legal fight against him.
According to our law, legal entities also have moral rights worth protecting. Commercial reputation comes first among these values for companies. As a result of all the statements made with an untrue, hostile and provocative language against our company's reputation, we have filed a lawsuit for non-pecuniary damage worth 1,000,000 Turkish Liras against Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. Although the amount of non-pecuniary damage demanded is not enough to cover the non-pecuniary destruction that has occurred against our company, it will be able to alleviate the loss of reputation of our company to some extent. We have no doubt that justice will be manifested in our legal struggle against unjust attacks on our company. We would like to inform the public opinion that we will always continue our struggle within the limits of law against all kinds of attacks on the commercial reputation of our company, as we have done so far. June 08, 2022
Melih Tanrıverdi
Chairman of Board of Directors
Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi Genel Başkanı Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, 13.05.2022 tarihinde beraberinde 70’e yakın milletvekili ve toplamda 150’ye yakın partilisiyle birlikte şirket merkezimize gelerek şirketimizin kapılarını zorlamıştır. Sözde görüşme isteğinin karşılık bulmaması sonucunda şirketimizin saygınlığını ve itibarını hedef alan haksız ithamlarda bulunmuş, bu saldırısı tüm basın-yayın organlarında yayınlanarak kamuoyunda şirketimiz hakkında olumsuz algının oluşmasına sebep olmuştur.
Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, şirketimize yönelik haksız ithamlarına, saldırılarına yaptığı her basın açıklamasında, grup toplantılarında, mitinglerde dozajını artırarak devam etmiştir. Daha önce de belirttiğimiz üzere SADAT, savunma danışmanlığı alanında çalışmalarını sürdüren bir sermaye şirketi olup TÜRK SİYASETİNİN BİR AKTÖRÜ DEĞİLDİR.Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’nun amacı şirketimizi politik emellerine alet etmek, şirketimiz üzerinden siyasi kazanım elde etmektir. Şirketimiz hiçbir zaman siyasetçilerin politik emellerine alet edilemeyecektir. Gelinen noktada, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu; bir aya yakın bir süredir şirketimize yönelik gerçekleştirdiği hukuka aykırı saldırılarıyla şirketimizin itibarını zedelemekle kalmayıp şirketimizin yöneticilerini, hissedarlarını ve çalışanlarını da seçmeni ve kamuoyu nezdinde hedef göstererek şirketimize karşı adeta topyekün savaş açmıştır.