
Mayıs ayında şirketimizle ilgili Fransız haber ajanslarında çıkan gerçek dışı haberler üzerine pek çok dergi, gazete ve ajans ile ropörtaj yaptık. Jeune Afrique dergisinden Joséphine DEDET'in sorularına verdiğimiz cevaplar aşağıda yer almaktadır.


Sayın Joséphine DEDET

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Jeune Afrique


Öncelikle SADAT’ın faaliyet alanı ve SADAT hakkındaki gerçekler ile ilgili bilgi vermek isterim;

SADAT Savunma, silahlı kuvvetler ve güvenlik güçlerine; savunma ve güvenlik alanında; danışmanlık, eğitim ve lojistik hizmetler sunmak üzere 2012 yılında Emekli General Adnan TANRIVERDİ tarafından kurulmuş Türk Ticaret Kanununa göre Anonim Şirket statüsünde ticari bir oluşumdur.

Adnan Tanrıverdi 2016 yılında Cumhurbaşkanlığı Başdanışmanlığı ve Güvenlik ve Dış Politikalar Kurul üyeliğine atandığı için şirketin yönetiminden istifa ederek ayrılmıştır.

Bu cümledeki bazı konuları açıklamakta fayda görüyorum. Çünkü SADAT Savunma etik değerleri olan ve kuruluş felsefesine sadık kalarak faaliyet gösteren, misyon ve vizyon sahibi bir şirkettir.

SADAT Defense is a private company that provides strategic consultancy, special training and logistics services to the armed forces and internal security organizations of states. The equivalent of the activities carried out by SADAT Defense in the classical labour market; It falls within the scope of strategic management consultancy, reorganization, rehabilitation, modernization and special training services for institutional capacity increase.

SADAT Defense contributes to guaranteeing a peaceful environment by rebuilding the capacity of states in the field of defense and security with effective and strategic planning, serving to fully utilize the existing military capacity and increasing the capacity within the possibilities, and carries out engineering studies that will play a deterrent role in war.


Press release 

Wall Street Journal the Middle East Correspondent, Rory Jones, in his e-mail dated December 15, 2023, sent to our company, in order to use it in a story they prepared to be published in the newspaper, He asks whether SADAT's supports HAMAS.

SADAT International Defense Consultancy Construction Industry and Trade Inc is a private company that provides strategic consultancy, special military training and logistics services to the armed forces and police departments of states. The company meticulously conducts all these services in compliance with international regulations. Therefore, our Company does not operate in conflict zones. The fundamental philosophy of our company is to contribute to the development in the fields of defense and defense industry cooperation by producing projects that support increase of capacity for maintaining a peaceful environment.

In the International Defense Industry Fair IDEF'23, which has reached its 30th year and held for the 16th time, SADAT International Defense Consulting Construction Industry and Trade Inc. will host its valued customers at its usual stand...


We will be at the Tube Gate T10 stand at the 16th International Defense Industry Fair IDEF'23, which will be held on 25-28 July 2023. To visit us, please fill in your information at and create a request.


How will you reach SADAT's stand at the fair?

Büyütmek için tıklayın


Transportation map to the fair area

Büyütmek için tıklayın


Our Fair Banners






Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Leader of the Republican People's Party, came to the central office of our company with nearly 70 deputies and a total of 150 party supporters on the date of 13.05.2022 and forced the doors of our company. As a result of the so-called meeting request not being answered, he made unfair accusations targeting the prestige and reputation of our company, and this attack was published in all press and media organs, causing a negative perception about our company in the public opinion.

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu continued his unjust accusations and attacks against our company by increasing the number of them in every press statement, group meetings and rallies he organized. As we have mentioned before, SADAT is a stock corporation which continues its activities in the field of defense consultancy and also it is NOT ANY ACTOR OF TURKISH POLITICS. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’s aim is to make our company an instrument of his political ambitions and to achieve political gain through our company. Our company will never be used as an instrument for the political ambitions of politicians. At this point, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu not only damaged the reputation of our company with his unlawful attacks against our company for about a month, but also launched an all-out offense against our company by targeting our company's managers, shareholders and employees in the eyes of his voters and public opinion.

None of the accusations made by Kılıçdaroğlu against our company have any truth. Kılıçdaroğlu acts on absolute sensations without relying on any evidence and he indirectly admits this in every interview he gives to journalists. Kılıçdaroğlu's attacks against our company mean nothing more than trying to consolidate the mass of voters through our company. Our company is audited according to the legal regulations and necessary notifications are given to the relevant institutions in our activities. AS SADAT DEFENSE, WE HAVE NOT BEEN INVOLVED IN ANY WORK THAT WE CANNOT ACCOUNT FOR BEFORE THE LEGAL AUTHORITIES SO FAR, AND WE WILL NOT BE INVOLVED IN FUTURE. LET THEM TRY TO DEFAME SADAT AS MUCH AS THEY WANT AND CRIMINALIZE IT IN THE EYES OF SOCIETY, SADAT WILL ALWAYS CONTINUE TO REMAIN A LEGAL COMPANY. But whoever targets our company hostilely, broadcasts with provocative language and tries to defame our company without evidence, without any document and absolute sensation, we will be in a legal fight against him.

According to our law, legal entities also have moral rights worth protecting. Commercial reputation comes first among these values for companies. As a result of all the statements made with an untrue, hostile and provocative language against our company's reputation, we have filed a lawsuit for non-pecuniary damage worth 1,000,000 Turkish Liras against Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. Although the amount of non-pecuniary damage demanded is not enough to cover the non-pecuniary destruction that has occurred against our company, it will be able to alleviate the loss of reputation of our company to some extent. We have no doubt that justice will be manifested in our legal struggle against unjust attacks on our company. We would like to inform the public opinion that we will always continue our struggle within the limits of law against all kinds of attacks on the commercial reputation of our company, as we have done so far. June 08, 2022

Melih Tanrıverdi
Chairman of Board of Directors

The Chairman of SADAT responded to the lies of the main opposition leader by participating in the live broadcast of ‘Ters Kutuplar’ program of Akit TV.

He also mentioned in his press release;

SADAT is a business corporation operating under the Turkish Commercial Code. Since its establishment, SADAT has faced many times with intentional slanders and attempts to constitute a doubt about it, but mostly it has focused on commercial activities by avoiding being a party to any debate. SADAT is neither a paramilitary army nor does it train any militia force. SADAT does not have any activity in conflict zones. SADAT has nothing to do with the Syrian civil war or with asylum seekers who have refuged from Syria to Türkiye.

SADAT is a business corporation operating under the Turkish Commercial Code. Since its establishment, SADAT has faced many times with intentional slanders and attempts to constitute a doubt about it, but mostly it has focused on commercial activities by avoiding being a party to any debate. SADAT is neither a paramilitary army nor does it train any militia force. SADAT does not have any activity in conflict zones. SADAT has nothing to do with the Syrian civil war or with asylum seekers who have refuged from Syria to Türkiye.

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