What SADAT A.Ş. will do, was published in the Trade Registry Gazette dated 28 February 2012.

Accordingly SADAT Inc.'s business sectors (taking into consideration the interests of the Republic of Türkiye) can be summarized as listed below meet the needs of friendly and allied countries;

  1. Consulting security forces (for armed forces and police agencies),
  2. Training security personnel on the subjects they will need to defend their country,
  3. To act as an intermediary in the supply of war weapons and vehicles demanded by the defence and security forces to defend their country,
  4. To create the defense and defense industry cooperation environment among friendly countries, and advising on these issues, Türkiye's defense equipments to create a market environment, providing organizations on issues related to among countries.

The company carries out these activities under the 5201 and 5202 numbered laws and other related regulations, as determined under the supervision and control by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Türkiye.

Unconventional Warfare (GNH) is a legitimate organization that the Armed Forces of Countries use to defend their country.

Ülkelerin savunulması için nizami teşkilatlanma ne kadar meşru ise, işgale uğraması halinde, işgalciyi vatanından kovmak için mutasavver işgale uğrayabilecek bölgelerinde, barış zamanından itibaren sivil vatandaşlarını organize etmesi ve onları eğitmesi de o kadar normal ve meşrudur.

Meşru olmayan, bu maksatla eğitilen insanları, darbeci veya diktacı zihniyetle kendi insanına karşı kullanılmasıdır. Buna bakarsak, nizami kuvvetler de darbeci ve diktacılar tarafından kendi halkına karşı kullanılmaktadır. GNH'ı gayri meşru sayanların nizami orduyu da gayri meşru sayması gerekir. Burada sap ile saman birbirine karıştırılmamalıdır.

SADAT's addressee is legitimate states. SADAT does not provide training for civilian citizens, civil institutions and terrorist organizations.


It is important what you mean without getting organized.

SADAT is a commercial company established in accordance with the Turkish Commercial Code, which has to carry out its activities in accordance with the provisions of the laws 5201 and 5202.

There are over 70 private companies operating in this field in the world. Therefore, it is a completely legal commercial company according to the national, international and war laws. There is nothing to constitute a crime in either its establishment or its activities that it stipulates in its articles of association.

On the contrary, it also has a metaphor that aims to ensure that the foreign countries that are transparent and demanding stand on their feet compared to their peers.


SADAT A.Ş. is a commercial organization.

However, to date, neither a state contribution or a foreign government grant, an incentive loan, a bank loan, nor a donation have been received by SADAT.

SADAT A.Ş. is an independent, unrivaled, national trade company, which is stand on own feet by carrying out legal commercial activities without exception.

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