The SADAT Defense and Consultancy Company, established by retired Turkish officers to provide technical and strategic training to the personnel of foreign armies, awaits the approval of the Ministry of National Defense. The company, headed by retired Brigadier General Adnan Tanrıverdi, has 58 retired soldiers, from non-commissioned officer to general, in its consultant staff. Tanrıverdi stated that their main targets are the armies of the countries of the Middle East and Africa and said, "There are 58 people on our board of advisors, if we get permission, we will be able to complete our infrastructure and provide all kinds of technical, strategic and leadership training.” Tanrıverdi explained that their primary target is the armies of the Middle East and African countries, saying, "there are 58 people in our advisory staff, if we get permission, we will complete our infrastructure and provide all kinds of technical, strategic, and leadership training.” Pointing out that there are many examples of such companies in the world, Tanriverdi said, "there are more than 70 companies established for these purposes. It will be the first in Türkiye. There are officers and non-commissioned officers retired at a very young age from the Turkish Armed Forces, we will benefit from them.”

The team of military adviser to be created on a future request will be sent to the country concerned.
If the customer requests that the country send their own team and be trained in Türkiye, their names, duties, and reason to of their coming will be notified to the Ministry of National Defense.
If the ministry approves, these foreign officers will be able to receive training at the company's headquarters in Türkiye. However, due to the company does not have heavy weapons such as tanks or aircraft, if countries that want to receive training on these issues have this equipment, training can be given on the weapons of that country by going to that country.
Tanrıverdi entered the Military Academy in 1964, after serving in various units of the Turkish Armed Forces, including the Special Warfare Department for 4 years, he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in 1992. 2. After serving as Armored Brigade Commander and Head of the Land Forces Health Department, he had to retire on 30 August 1996 due to lack of staff. Between November 28, 2004 and November 22, 2009, he did the General Presidency to the Association for Justice Defenders (ASDER).